Tips for managing OCD
Tip 1 Control is an illusion, get comfortable with uncertainty
Tip 2 Be kind to your mind—talk to yourself as you would a friend
Tip 3 It’s not your job to make people ‘get it’ so try to resist over-explaining yourself to others
Tip 4 Resist reassurance — what you resist persists
Tip 5 Allow acceptance of your thoughts
Tip 6 Resist trying to ‘think your way out of a thought’
Tip 7 Remind yourself that these thoughts will pass and be less distressing with each day, hour, minute. So hang in there.
Tip 8 Find someone non-judgmental you can chat with to find the humour in your experience to reduce the distress
Tip 9 Move your body - exercise or have a boogie
Tip 10 Lean into your fears, it will be the best way to break down the OCD beast.